Page 7 - Pierce County Lawyer - May June 2024
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 Law School Event
so members can easily meet reporting requirements for WSBA.
March continued with the TPCBA Board Retreat where all board members got together to enjoy yummy cinnamon rolls and discussions about how everyone can work to improve TPCBA. There are so many plans in the works, but all board members agreed membership is vital to a successful association. I hope to outline more about how these plans are being executed in future articles. Until then, just know the TPCBA Board is hard at work.
◀ In April I was able to hold a fun event to help increase our TPCBA presence in law schools. I wanted to set up an event at Seattle University before students graduated this May 2024. I was lucky to meet the Seattle University’s Student Bar Association Vice President, Brendan O’Neill, at our Lincoln Day event. Brendan and I worked on setting up a networking/membership event at The Chieftain, right across from Seattle University. The turnout was incredible, not only by students but also by TPCBA members. It was such a great experience
to see established attorneys providing mentorship to these students who were enjoying food, drinks, and soaking up the wealth of practical knowledge being provided. I made many connections with law students and TPCBA was able to add some new members to our mix. I look forward to this Fall, Winter, and Spring where I will be adding these TPCBA events and connection outings to our calendars with our law schools and local Pierce County outreaches.
Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable. Well, I don’t see any failure in my efforts and the efforts of our board members to reach incredible success for TPCBA and its members this year. Stay tuned with a watchful eye on this path we are creating to success.
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   May/Junel 2024 | PIERCE COUNTY LAWYER 7

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