Page 18 - 2024 March April Magazine
P. 18

 Law Firm/place of practice:
Child Representation Attorney contracted with Office of Civil Legal Aid
Number of years in practice: 9 years -
I was previously in property management/ bookkeeping. Being an attorney is my second career.
If money and time were no object, what would you be doing right now? Anyone who knows me, knows I would be traveling all over the world making funny TikTok videos of my adventures and dogs.
What is one thing on your bucket list?
Other than visiting all the wonders of
the world, I would love to learn another language. I keep on using Duolingo for Spanish, but then I fall off track. Some sort of immersive learning would be amazing.
What is the best advice you have for new lawyers? Connect, connect, and connect.
It is so important to reach out to others in this field, not only to find a mentor but also meet others and find out if your goals are the same. I think Covid did a disservice to us all, making us comfortable being apart. Humans need connection, so don’t fight that natural evolution, embrace it. Also, get an ethics attorney and call them often with any questions or concerns.
How do you create work/life balance?
I would like to read more. I would like to spend more time with my kids and dogs. I would like to travel more. I guess I do what I can to stay on top of my workload and then when I need a break, I take it. But the point
is I don’t let my work take over my life. I work to live, not live to work.
What would you like to be remembered for? A kind person with a giving heart. Call me a hopeless romantic, an annoying optimistic,
or a gullible soul. All I know is that I choose to believe people can always be the best of themselves and I always try to lend a helping hand as much as possible.
What is your favorite quote? “We
are all ‘heroes’ in training. Our hero training is life, the daily circumstances that invite us to practice habits of heroism: to commit daily deeds of kindness; to radiate compassion, starting with self-compassion; to bring out the best in others and ourselves;
to sustain love, even in our most challenging relationships; to celebrate
and exercise the power of our mental freedom.” Forward “The Choice” by Dr. Edith Eva Eger.
What is your favorite food and restaurant?
I am a fan of tacos, any way or style (hold the dairy). But put a plate of spaghetti in front
of me and I could be in Heaven. What can I say, I love my carbs.
What is your favorite website? I think
this should be changed to favorite app. When I am working on my laptop, I have funny videos from Facebook playing in the background. When I am on my phone, I am playing my game (Grand Hotel Mania) or making funny videos for TikTok/Instagram.
Who is your hero and why? So my professional hero is RGB. She was epic. But in a realistic sense, my dad was/is my hero. Sadly, I didn’t realize how much of a hero
he was to me until he left us July 2022. He did so much in life: raised six kids with
my mom, served/retired from the Army, provided for not just his family but his community, served at his church, dedicated his life to making people smile and laugh. He was an all around great man, who laughed hard but loved harder.
What is the most important thing you have learned as an attorney? To always be honest and value your reputation. I have worked with many attorneys whom I have respected and trusted, even if we were on opposite sides of a case. A good reputation is what
I strive for and to be known as an honest advocate of the law.
h/April 2024
 Catherine Case 2024 President
Elizabeth Johnson President-Elect
Heather Swann Immediate Past President
Desiree Hosannah Secretary-Treasurer
Hannah Gurewitz Past President-Family Law Section
Patrick Brown New & Young Lawyers Section President
Nina Caldwell Trustee
Jessica Campbell Trustee
Nichole Fisher Trustee
Brad Hashimoto Trustee
Michelle Luna Trustee
Richard Wooster Trustee

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