Page 21 - 2024 March April Magazine
P. 21

   Law Firm/place of practice: Law Office of Sophia M. Palmer, Family Law
Number of years in practice: Seven
If money and time were no object, what would you be
doing right now? Traveling!
What is one thing on your bucket list? Does paying off my student loans count? Just kidding...sort of. I have a lot of places on my travel bucket list!
What is the best advice you have for new lawyers?
Trust your gut. If a client is giving you red flags, you can say no. If you don’t feel comfortable doing something for a client, you can say no. Find a firm/place of work where the most stressful part of your job is the job itself- not the workplace!
How do you create work/life balance? I turn off e-mail notifications on my phone, and delete my email entirely when I am on vacation. I try my best not to review e-mails after hours or on the weekend. I also like to squeeze in a midday workout for a change of pace.
What would you like to be remembered for? Professionally, I’d like to be remembered for being an attorney who
others are excited to have on the other side, and who judicial officers are happy to have in their courtroom. I pride myself on being a strong client advocate, but being reasonable and realistic about my cases.
What is your favorite quote? “Law School is for people who are boring, ugly, and serious.” – Legally Blonde
What is your favorite food and restaurant? My favorite restaurant is Crafted in Yakima, WA. It is a farm to table restaurant with a different menu everyday. As for my favorite food, probably penne alla vodka, or any variation of bread and cheese.
What is your favorite website? Probably Google.
Who is your hero and why? I try to be my own hero.
What is the most important thing you have learned as an attorney? At the end of the day, all you can do is your best. It’s not worth worrying about a case more than your client is worried about it!
Law Firm/place of practice: Pfau Cochran Vertetis Amala Number of years in practice: Since 2020
If money and time were no object, what would you be doing right now? Traveling the world and learning about different cultures.
What is one thing on your bucket list? Skydiving.
What is the best. advice you have for new lawyers?
Do not forget why you went to law school, and do not be afraid to meet with experienced attorneys to ask them practice questions.
How do you create work/life balance? I manage my time efficiently and grind at the office to minimize having to work at home. I make sure to attend my boys’ school events, sport games, and other extracurricular activities. I also make sure that I go on an out-of-country family vacation once per year.
What would you like to be remembered for? Besides being an amazing dad and partner, being a compassionate, self less advocate.
What is your favorite quote? The bigger they are, the harder they fall!
What is your favorite food and restaurant? My favorite food is Sushi and seafood from any restaurant.
What is your favorite website? Amazon, for many bad reasons.
Who is your hero and why? My dad. He passed away when
I was only 18, and without him, I would not be where I am today. I learned from him how to be the best father I could possibly be, and today I realize that I have learned so much from him without realizing at the time that he was teaching me valuable life lessons. Not a day goes by where I do not think about what he would do in certain situations so he is my daily moral compass.
What is the most important thing you have learned as an attorney? We meet our clients when they are at their most vulnerable, and they trust us to help them. When they have no one, they see us as their saving grace because someone finally is listening to them and can see them. Although litigation
can disrupt one’s life, and we face many challenges, a positive outcome and the client’s joy make every difficult moment worth it.
 March/April 2024 | PIERCE COUNTY LAWYER 21

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