Page 42 - 2024 March April Magazine
P. 42

  TPCBA SERVICE TO DIVERSITY AWARD: Tacomaprobono’s Andrea Saunders
TPCBA recognized Family
Safety Project Managing
Attorney Andrea Saunders
at this year’s Lincoln Day
Banquet with these words: “As we all know, Tacomaprobono is a non-profit charitable organization that changes lives, fights systemic racism and works against chronic poverty
by providing access to timely, effective, professional civil legal aid services for low- income clients. They are focused on providing efficient, dignified solutions to legal issues affecting basic human needs such as housing and family safety. In the past few years they have expanded their staff and the services they are able to offer through the work of their very dedicated staff. Many TPCBA members and other legal professionals have volunteered time and money to Tacomaprobono and
the TPCBA Board of Trustees is proud of all that Tacomaprobono accomplishes in our community.
We are recognizing Andrea Saunders with the Service to Diversity Award for her outstanding work.”
Andrea has been with Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers since 2017. She received her JD from the University of San Francisco School of Law, and before returning to her home state of Washington worked with DNA- People’s Legal Services, Inc. in the Southwest until she simply had to return to a greener landscape. She ably manages Tacomaprobono’s Family Safety Project, which assists survivors of intimate partner violence with family law and related issues. Andrea is passionate about delivering effective and professional public service, and we are delighted to congratulate her on receiving this meaningful recognition from the TPCBA.
Report from the 2024 GOLDMARK LUNCHEON
  The annual fundraiser and recognition/education event held by the Legal Foundation of Washington in Seattle on February 16, 2024, was attended by several current and former Tacomaprobono staff members including our Volunteer Program Manager Melissa Wolkenhauer who attended for the first time this year. Here are her comments:
“The event itself I thought was excellent. The speakers were great. Northwest Immigrant Rights Project Executive Director Jorge L. Barón’s speech and short video touched my heart. He is retiring and explained why he started his career, the barriers he faced, and the love he shares for his community and family.
Contributed by Volunteer Program Manager Melissa Wolkenhauer
  “Another speaker was Jennifer Bearskin Sea Monster. What she spoke of was something that has affected my life. She spoke of injustices and inequity in our Native American community. She also spoke of how our Urban Native American and Intertribal community members fall through the cracks
for much assistance due to not being on a reservation, near a reservation, unenrolled, or other factors that make urban Native Americans ineligible for many Washington Native American services -- especially legal services.
“Jeffery Robinson was the keynote speaker and spoke of history being changed by people. He spoke of others re-writing history that is shared in our school systems to hide our true American history, such as slavery and the treatment of slaves. He went on to speak of how we can be part of a change to make sure history is written accurately.
I feel I was very lucky to be invited to attend this event and look forward to attending next year!”
   42 PIERCE COUNTY LAWYER | March/April 2024

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