Page 7 - 2024 March April Magazine
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 It will be a fun and exciting year. So don’t blink; I know you won’t want to miss a thing.
 At the time this article goes
to print, can you believe it is already April 2024? It was in February last year I found out I'd won the election for President Elect, and was going to be the 2024 TPCBA President. I did not know if I had what it took to take on such a position. "Wayne’s World" played in my head, “We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy”. After the sheer panic subsided, I had hoped to take this last year to really prepare and get everything in line for my Presidency. Unfortunately, time raced by and now Lincoln Day is over and my presidency has begun! I heard from former presidents that this year will be over before I know it. I don’t know if that will be a blessing or a curse, but I do know I will try my best to take advantage of every day to help make TPCBA even better.
This year my focus will be on increasing membership, improving the budget, promoting inclusivity, and working on ways to improve our community. I have some ideas on how to accomplish these goals and have already started taking steps to further my agenda. In March
I attended the ABA Bar Leadership Training Conference in Chicago with
President Elect Elizabeth Johnson and the New & Young Lawyers Section President, Patrick Brown. I went to that same training last year and learned so much on how to run and help support our Bar Association. This year I returned from this training with even more ideas to maximize every effort to benefit the TPCBA members and our community.
I want to start my presidency by inviting all of our members to reach out to me
if they have any questions, concerns, or just feedback on what they would like
to see from the TPCBA Board this year. This is not a generic, ‘reach out to me’ message. In fact, anyone who knows me, knows I will do my best to really listen and be there for others. I take this same stance with every TPCBA member who has a minute to speak with me. Be prepared in advance, I am a hugger and we may become friends.
TPCBA board meetings are in person at the Hob Nob on the third Tuesday of the month (except for March and August)
at 7:30am. I know, that is super early
for an in-person meeting, but these are actually fun and we have a great group in attendance. Plus, there is french toast. I will be working with the TPCBA Facebook Page to give recaps of these meetings, so everyone has close-to-real- time information on what our board members are working on.
I really hope this year does not fly by. If I am running the show, it will be a fun and exciting year. So don’t blink; I know you won’t want to miss a thing.
 Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
     March/April 2024 | PIERCE COUNTY LAWYER 7

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