Page 33 - Pierce County Lawyer - January February 2025
P. 33

John F. Kirby, retired United States
Navy rear admiral currently serving
as White House National Security
Communications Advisor. Image is
public domain.
Coming in the next issue...
The game is afoot13
New evidence and mysteries revealed. Natural celestial
phenomenon, nefarious actors, testing of experimental aircraft,
or mass delusion? What about aliens from outer space? Can
you handle the truth? In addition, the current federal, state,
and local regulations governing ownership and operation of
249 gram to 55 pound consumer and commercial drones in the
United States and the state of Washington including tips how to
identify and track aircraft and distinguish lawful from unlawful
drone flights in your neighborhood.
Until then, stay calm, stay vigilant,
and keep all eyes on the mysterious night skies.
Nigel Malden is a solo practitioner
and recreational drone flyer in
Tacoma and can be reached at nm@
13. While popularized by Sherlock Holmes, this phrase actually comes from Shake-
speare's play "Henry V" where King Henry uses it to signal the start of battle.
201 St. Helens Avenue - Suite 212 - Tacoma, WA 98402
(253) 354-3604 -
Hybrid Flexible - By Zoom and In Person
Trauma Informed - Culturally Competent - Se Habla EspaƱol
Leslie R. Bottimore, WMAC, Family Mediator and Co-Parenting Coach
Types of Matters Mediated Mediation Styles Co-Parenting Coaching
* Divorces (Dissolutions of Marriage) * Evaluative Mediation *JAI Institute on Parenting -
* Separations * Shuttle Diplomacy Parent Coach Certification
* Child Custody * Settlement Conferences
* Parenting Plans * Facilitative Mediation * Phased-In Complex Parenting Plans * Narrative Mediation * Mosten Guthrie -
Co-Parenting Coaching
* High Conflict * Insight Mediation Certification
* High Asset
* Parentage (Paternity) *Our Family in Two Homes
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