Page 35 - Pierce County Lawyer - January February 2025
P. 35
conversation with a judge outside of
a courtroom, it will help you realize
that they are also only human. It will
improve your courtroom presence
and confidence when you appear
in front of a judge who you shared
personal stories with.
How do you see your role
evolving within the Association
and the legal community at
I am the current President of the New
and Young Lawyers, and my term
ends next year. However, I will still
be involved with the New and Young
Lawyers because it has been a critical
component of my legal career. It is
a safe place for new attorneys, and I
want to continue mentoring new and
young lawyers. Eventually, however,
I would like to transition on to the
Board of the Tacoma-Pierce County
Bar Association.
What do you enjoy doing
outside of practicing law?
I am a family guy, and I try to enjoy every
moment I can with my family. We love
going hiking, going to lakes, snowboarding,
and traveling. In the little bit of spare time
I have, I try to exercise and lift weights to
maintain my physical and mental health.
I am also a car enthusiast, and I try to
spend a little bit of time every year on
the racetrack and at car shows.
Can you share an interesting
fact about yourself that others
might not know?
I was born and raised in Germany, English
is my second language, and I didn’t move
to the U.S. until I was 21. I always get a kick
out of the look on people’s face when I start
speaking German fluently.
Also, I was struck by lightning inside my
house, but that is a story for another day.
Christopher Walsh is an attorney at
Poli, Moon & Zane, where his practice
focuses primarily on representing
policyholders in disputes with
insurance carriers. Christopher is a
member of the American Association
for Justice, an EAGLE member of
the Washington State Association
for Justice, and currently is serving
his second term as an elected Board
member of the Tacoma-Pierce County
Bar Association’s New and Young
Lawyers. In his free time, Christopher
enjoys playing music, cooking and
spending time with his family.
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