P. 65
FEB. 26, 2019
Lindblad Cove was named after Lars Eric is a small bay indenting the south side of
Lindblad, a pioneer in Antarctic tourism. Trinity Island. It was discovered by the
He was a noted conservationist and led Swedish Antarctic Expedition in 1904. It
the first cruise to Antarctica in 1966. He was named after Mikkelsen, the whaling
was a leader in the concept of expedition manager who was lost in the whaling
tourism as a means of environmental grounds in 1910. We made sure this time
awareness. The three of us were with that we did not miss our scheduled
the English speaking group who were outing. Our ship anchored way farther
supposed to be the first to go on a zodiac this time so our zodiac ride took longer,
ride early in the morning to the Cove, but but by now, we are used to it and we
our alarm didn’t go off that we lost our have already conquered our fear of riding
chance. It was an easy decision to just this inflated rubber boat. We also had a
stay indoor and enjoy the view from the knowledgeable and friendly naturalist
comfort of our warm room. piloting the zodiac boat. Hiking the rocky
surface of the island was worth it after we
Later, we went out to the Viewing deck landed. It’s our first time to see a building
and saw a big whale swimming around on an island. This one was constructed
our ship. Talking with other passengers, by Argentina, to stake its claim of the
we heard that they needed rescuing island. It also offers temporary shelter for
since the engine of their zodiac boat those that get stranded on this part of the
died down. This is one of the things that continent. It’s more ice and glaciers and
could happen out there but it did not penguins, seals and birds. It’s another very
stop any of us from joining the afternoon distant, serene place but inhospitable
expedition to Mikkelsen Harbour which
place for humans.
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