P. 94
Back in the boat after viewing more glaciers and coming close to In the afternoon, our Expedition took us
another research center operated by Argentina, we joined the to Neko Harbour, a little corner of paradise
trivia quiz competition. This is the fourth one we have joined in the shadow of towering glacier, but the
and we’ve won three of four so far. Aren’t we knowledgeable! beach was rocky. And Lo and behold, we
Maybe when we go back to the US, we can finally join jeopardy! found old bivalve shells and some red and
brown algae on the rocks. For the first time,
we saw penguins warming their chicks in their
nests made from pebbles. There are more
seabirds in this Harbour and I witnessed one
(sheathbill?) that dove and attempted to
steal a chick penguin for dinner, but all the
other adult penguins shooed it away. I also
got a chance to talk one- on-one with one
of the naturalists from Iceland. He was so
full of useful information about this part of
the world and he gleefully shared it with me.
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