Page 39 - Mesleki Ingilizce Dersi E-Portfolyosu
P. 39


                                 RECTANGLE                                             SQUARE

          The closed shape formed by                                     A square is a regular

                   the line segments                            quadrilateral with all sides and

          connecting four points,three                         angles equal to each other. One

             of which are nonlinear ,in                            of the most basic geometric

                              order                                    shapes in mathematics

              It's a polygon with four                                    It's a polygon with four

               sides and four corners                                     sides and four corners



            It is a quadrilateral whose                               Quadrilateral with at least

              interior angles total 360                                      two parallel sides.

                                                                       The bases of the trapezoid
          Its opposite sides are parralel                               to the parallel sides of the

                  and equal in length

                                      ELLİPSE                                          PENTAGON

           The closed curve formed by a
         set of points whose sum of their                                A pentagon is a five-sided

            distances from two separate                                polygon. The sum of interior

           points called focus is equal to                           angles is 540 °, and the sum of
                         each other.                                       exterior angles is 360 °.

                               HEXAGON                                                    OCTAGONAL

                                                                        It has eight sides, eight
            A hexagon is a polygon

              with six sides and six                                  corners and eight angles.

                          corners.                                    The sum of interior angles

           The sum of interior angles is                                is 1080 °, and the sum of

                         720 degrees                                     exterior angles is 360 °.

                                  İLETİŞİM: MERHABA@HARİKASİTE.COM
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