Page 55 - Mesleki Ingilizce Dersi E-Portfolyosu
P. 55


                            THE PERCENTAGE SYMBOL

               When wr t ng an express on g ven w th the percentage symbol

               as a fract on, the number next to the % symbol  s wr tten on

               the numerator, 100  s wr tten  n the denom nator.



                             DECIMAL EXPRESSIONS -

                        PERCENTAGE CONVERSIONS

               The two d g ts after the comma are wr tten next to the

               percentage symbol to show dec mal notat on numbers less

               than 1 w th the % (percentage) symbol.

                              0,50         =50%                                   0,50          = 50%

      0,25 0,25                                           0,25 0,25

     25% 25%                                               25% 25%



                When wr t ng an express on g ven w th the dec mal notat on

                 n percentage symbol, the number next to the % symbol  s

                wr tten to the two d g ts after the comma.

                                     I have
                                     completed 0,20

                                     of the road.


  NOTE:      For dec mals  n Turk sh we use comma, but po nt  s used  n Engl sh. However, we followed the  AYŞE TUĞÇE BODUR
                  Turk sh use  n th s  nfograph c to refra n creat ng another confus on by the students.
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