Page 5 - Donor report
P. 5
your project details
W a t e r W e ll
district installed: L a r k a n a
country: P a k is t a n
date: 2 4 / 0 4 / 2 0 2 1
MGR's experienced field workers and
representatives identified those most
in need and prepared a plan for
delivery of aid to them.
The following steps were undertaken:
• Undertake an initial Need
• Prepare a list of people who will
Overview receive the aid
Due to lack of clean water in many rural • Prepare project plans and budget
villages in Africa, Pakistan and India, allocations
diseases transmitted through unclean • Deliver and implement the projects
water are a leading cause of preventable • Form group of volunteers and village
illness and premature death, with committees
children being particularly vulnerable. • Record log of activities with
photographic evidence of the work
With your donation, a water hand pump undertaken
was installed in the village Koreja,
Larkana District in Sindh Pakistan. There
are more than 16 beneficiaries and
people from surrounding areas are also
benefiting from this facility of safe and
clean drinking water in the village.