Page 12 - KMAland Healthcare Heroes
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12 A Salute to KMAland Healthcare Heroes KMAland 2021
to those who wanted or needed it. admitted to our hospital was at we have moved through this pan-
Patients were afraid to come to the an all-time high. At this point, we demic. At this point, I firmly believe
hospital as well. We witnessed plen- created a separate COVID unit. that those of us who have worked
ty of cases where people ignored Originally, this was created with a through it have come out stronger
their emergent symptoms far too PVC frame and a canvas-type bar- in the end. It has left us prepared in
long before coming to the ER, leav- rier. When the exterior door at the case another surge of cases moves
ing them in a much more critical end the hall was opened and let in through our area. We have worked
condition. a tornadic speed wind, we quickly through many challenges and suc-
For bedside clinical staff, human found that this was not our perma- cesses and we will have quite a story
connection is an essential part of nent solution. We soon replaced to share with the next generation of
our work. We provide comfort and it with a much more substantial health care workers.
support to our patients with touch, wall and air scrubber. Nurses and
friendly conversation, and a smile. CNAs spent 12-hour shifts caring
But now, a mask covers our faces, for COVID patients. They wore
prevents our hearing challenged cli- Tyvek suits and PAPR (Power Air-
ents from understanding us clearly, Purifying Respirator) hoods. They Written in honor of
and patients are kept isolated to were secluded from the rest of our staff who worked
protect themselves and others. One their co-workers and came out only
of the more emotionally difficult sit- for meal breaks. We were able to so hard and overcame
uations for our patients was the limi- take down this wall in early March many challenges
tation of visitors. In effort to prevent after going over a month without during this pandemic.
exposure, we initially allowed only a COVID inpatient. We still have
one visitor per patient. As hard as processes in place and rooms avail-
it was to explain and justify to our able to care for these patients and We thank you for
patients, we knew that our visitor the wall can be easily reassembled if Advancing Exceptional
policy was less restrictive than many that changes. Care for the patients
other hospitals. We screened and This past year has certainly been
noted every visitor who came into one for the history books. Our day in our community!
our unit in hopes of keeping every- to day lives have changed. The
one healthy. way we hold meetings, the way we
In November, the number of learn, the way we connect, and the
COVID positive patients that were things we value have all changed as