Page 22 - UNAM Forum ED2-2021
P. 22

Young graduates trained

          in precision

          desert agriculture

          ...the trainees were taught how to produce

          crops under the harshest conditions in

          Namibia, e.g. the Namib Desert.

                     n the 25th of March    Africa     Innovation    Support   peppers, eggplants, watermelons
                     2021, a group of       programme and that the project     and cucumbers, among others.
                     9       agri-preneurs  was active  since  October  2019.   The trainees worked at the farm
         Ograduated                  from   Dr Mupambwa further indicated      with staff from Avagro imparting
          practical training under a project   that  the  project  managed     knowledge  to them  on a daily
          titled, Precision Desert Agriculture   to  undertake  this  hands-on  basis, including weekends. On
          as a Job Creator,  The project    practical   training  approach,    mushroom      production,    the
          was led by the University of      which      involved     precision  trainees   learned   about   the
          Namibia (Sam Nujoma Campus)       horticulture crop production, as   production of oyster and button
          in  partnership  with   AvaGro    well as mushroom production.       mushrooms. This process involved
          (Farm Shalom – Swakopmund)        The entire training process was    the   following:   pure   culture
          and Jayden Nashe Enterprises      completed  over  8 months. The     multiplication, spawn production,
          (South  Africa). Present  at the   horticulture crop training was    substrate   inoculation,  spawn
          graduation ceremony were, the     done at AvaGro’s Farm Shalom       running, fruiting and harvesting of
          Mayor of Henties Bay Town, His    in Swakopmund, whilst the oyster   mushrooms. Apart from practical
          Worship Lewies Vermaak; the Pro-  and button mushroom training       skills in agriculture, the trainees
          Vice Chancellor for Research,     was done at UNAM, Sam Nujoma       also learned about best-practice
          Innovation and Development,       Campus. On horticulture crop       methods to develop investable
          Prof   Anicia     Peters    and   production, the trainees were      business proposals. These trainees
          representatives from AgriBank of   taught how to produce crops       are now busy in the field, pitching
          Namibia, Namibia Agronomic        under the harshest conditions in   ideas to various investors and
          Board     and     Swakopmund      Namibia, e.g. the Namib Desert,    funders  for capital or seed
          Municipality.                     through the use of a controlled    funding.
                                            environment,  use of artificial
          The   ceremony    started   with  planting media, and precise
          the   project   manager,      Dr  water and nutrient application.    Trainees captured here with their
          Mupambwa,       giving    some    This saw them experiencing  a      certificates, after showcasing
          background about the project.     full cycle of production for most   their prototypes.
          He pointed out that the project   of the vegetables consumed in      The representatives from AvaGro,
          was financed by the Southern      Namibia, i.e. spinach, tomatoes,   Mr Ruben Shukulo and Jayden

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