Page 22 - UNAM Forum ED1-2020
P. 22
His research interests include numerical
simulations, fabrication and characterisation
of nanomaterials in the form of functional
metal oxide thin films.
orn and bred in Physics and Geology. His him through the staff
Eendadi village, studies were sponsored development fellowship
Natangue Heita by the NAMPOWER programme.
Shafudah finds student bursary scheme.
Bhimself in Japan Afterwards, he enrolled for Life in Japan
reading towards a PhD in a Masters’ degree in Physics
Renewable Energy and at the University of Namibia, After arriving in Japan, he
Physics. and was fortunate to be went through a six-month
awarded a scholarship by Intensive Japanese course
Natangue says he grew the Namibian Government which was also sponsored
up like many kids in the Scholarship Training by the MEXT scholarship and
Ohangwena region, doing Programme (NGSTP). offered by the University
a large share of domestic After completing this of Electro-Communication
work such as goat and degree in 2015, he started (UEC). “After grasping
cattle herding, cultivating looking for opportunities basic Japanese, it was
Mahangu and fetching and scholarships to do an excellent opportunity
water from distant water a PhD. He was awarded to communicate with
points. He completed his the Japanese Ministry of Japanese people and
high school at Oshela Senior Education, Culture, Sports, understand their culture
Secondary School in 2008. Science and Technology and values”, he remarked.
(MEXT) scholarship, from the
University education Japanese Government to His research interests
He enrolled at the University study Renewable Energy include numerical
of Namibia, for a four- and Physics. The University simulations, fabrication
year Bachelors’ degree in of Namibia supported and characterisation of
22 Official Newsletter