Page 41 - UNAM Annual Report 2017
P. 41


               Key Activities and Accomplishments

               Pro-Vice Chancellor: Administration, Finance and Resource Mobilisation

            The Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor:            Estate Services is to expand academic and
            Administration,   Finance     and     Resource    administrative facilities, and during the year under
            Mobilisation is the chief advisor to the vice     review, various capital and maintenance projects
            chancellor on matters of policy, administration,   were undertaken. These include the Eng. José
            management and finances. This Office is tasked    Eduardo dos Santos Campus (Phase 3), known
            with ensuring that  UNAM attains maximum          as the German Wing, to the capital amount of
            efficiency,  and that cost-effectiveness  and     N$160 million. Furthermore, on the construction
            high quality service  delivery to the University   side, the construction of prefabricated offices at
            community and the public at large is enhanced.    Neudamm and Main Campus, at a cost of N$9
            The  Office’s  primary mandate involves  the      million, to relieve challenges relating to office
            management of all auxiliary and support           space at both campuses, was completed.
            services, facilities, human resources and finances.
            Administratively, the Office assists the University’s   Another project that the consulting team worked
            core businesses: teaching and learning, research   on, is the designs and tender documents for the
            and community engagement.                         construction of hostels for Eng. José Eduardo dos
                                                              Santos Campus, which are valued at N$70 million.
                                                              N$81 million was budgeted for the construction
            In terms of composition, the Office oversees the   of lecture halls at the Southern Campus. This
            following departments/directorates: Office of     project is continuing and is expected to finalise
            the Bursar,  Estate  Services, Human Resources,   during 2017 to ensure that it accommodates the
            Communications  and  Marketing, Office  of the    relocation of the geoscience department.
            Dean of Students, UNAM Foundation, University
            Central Consultancy Bureau, Computer Centre       Communications and Marketing
            and the unit responsible for Strategic  and
            Physical Planning.                                For the year under review, the Communications
                                                              & Marketing Department  continued  with  the
                                                              brand awareness campaign by educating staff
            Capital Expansion and Auxiliary                   on the new brand guidelines. In the same year,
            Services                                          the University celebrated its 25th anniversary and
            The strategic objective of the Directorate of     a celebratory logo was incorporated in all major

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