Page 37 - Professorial Lecture - Prof Omoregie
P. 37

Omoregie, and Okpanachi, M. A. (1997). Acute toxicity of the bark of Neem plant,
                 Azadirachta indica on the cichlid Tilapia zilli. Acta Hydrobiologica 39: 47 -

          Omoregie, E. and Okunsebor, S. A. (2005). Levels of biochemical constituents of fish
                 associated with water dispersed fractions of used automobile lubricants.
                 Journal  of  Environmental  Science  and  Health,  Part  A  –  Toxic/Hazardous
                 Substances & Environmental Engineering 40(1): 156 – 166.

          Omoregie, E. and Ufodike, E. B. C.  (1999). Effects of crude oil exposure on growth,
                 feed utilization and food reserves of the Nile tilapia. Acta Hydrobiologica
                 41: 259 – 268.

          Omoregie, E. and Ufodike, E. B. C. (2000). Effects of water soluble fractions of crude
                 oil  on  growth  of  the  Nile  tilapia,  Oreochromis  niloticus  (L.).  Bulletin  of
                 Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 64(4): 601 – 604.

          Omoregie, E., Eseyin, T. E.  and Ofojekwu, P. C.  (1994). Chronic effects of formalin
                 on erythrocyte counts and plasma glucose of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis
                 niloticus. Asian Fisheries Science 7(1): 1 - 6.

          Omoregie,  E.,  Ofojekwu,  P.  C.  and  Amali,  E.  (1998).  Effects  of  sub-lethal
                 concentrations  of  formalin  on  the  weight  gain  of  the  Nile  tilapia,
                 Oreochromis niloticus (Trewavas). Asian Fisheries Science 12: 323 – 327.

          Omoregie,  E.,  Ofojekwu,  P.  C.,  Anosike,  J.  C.  and  Adeleye,  A.  O.    (1998).  Acute
                 toxicity of malachite green to the Nile tilapia,  Oreochromis niloticus (L.).
                 Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics 13(4): 233 – 237.

          Omoregie,  E.,  Ofojekwu,  P.  C.  and  Eseyin,  T.  E.  (1992).  Effects  of  sub-lethal
                 concentrations  of  malachite  green  on  carbohydrate  reserve  of  the  Nile
                 tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Aquatic Sciences 7: 53 - 57.

          Omoregie,  E.,  Okoronkwo,  M.  O.,  Eziashi,  A.  C.  and  Zoakah,  A.  I.  (2002).  Metal
                 concentrations in water column, benthic macroinvertebrates and tilapia
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