P. 6
The readers of my novels—Tears of Suffering and For the Sake of Precious Life— have inspired me to write this book.
“I enjoyed your novel. Now I am waiting to read your next novel. Are you writing one?”
So, I wrote: I would think deeply, only to find I didn’t know where to start. Not because I was uncertain of my
reminiscences, but because I wasn’t sure why I felt compelled to narrate it. “What would I achieve unearthing my murky
past?” Who would read the story of a run-of-the-mill bloke like me?”
Yet my heart would answer me with throbs: “Do it, Dorji. Some people would want to read it.”
My brain worked like a machine all day, but it wasn’t enough. The determination to face odds and rewrite the story was
one key part of my writing. One instance when my daughter deleted the entire story by mistake. Roughly, over one
hundred seventy pages of A4 size manuscript with 85,000 words. “What the blaze have you done, dear? I’ve taken
months and years to write this, but you ruined everything in a few seconds.” I buried my face in the pillow and sobbed
the entire evening. The next morning, I switched on my Acer and typed it again.
Editing was the most nerve-racking part of the writing. Inaccessible to social Media and writers’ block, back then, meant
no editor for me. Even if I got one, they denied.
Memories fade with the passage of time. So, I would like to fondly remember my dad through this book. He led me by
honest life and never taught me to lie or steal, no matter how tough our life was. Keeping the bitter truth behind, he
taught me to live by a simple and humble life.
Also, I want to credit people who influenced my family. Especially Dr. Johannes John worked hard, even at midnight to
save my son. Even at odd times of my baby’s treatment, he wore comforting smiles on his mid-seventy-year-old face. He
even, once, returned from his evening function to attend my sick son. He was always polite.
Even nurses shared equal concerns, especially Mrs. Tara, who is pursuing her Ph.D. in Australia. Their hard work and
perseverance to save children urged me to write in their dedication. They will remain in our hearts, honored and credited
through this book.
I have been honest in telling my story, especially bring the facts and deeds of people I encountered in my life. I may have
invaded their privacy by revealing sensitive information about them. But I don’t intend to defame anyone.
Past is past, and I have nothing to do with lost love, and I am not trying to build a love-hate relationship. I have no
feelings or love for them. So, I leave reading this novel to your discretion, please.