Page 10 - Orthopedic Casting Manual
P. 10
1.1 History and Evolution of Casting
Casting has evolved signific antly from its or igins in ancient civilizations to its cur rent advanced for ms used in
or thopedic practice. Understanding this progression provides valuable contex t for moder n c asting techniques
and the role of the or thotech in managing injur ies.
Or thopedics, der ived from the Greek words “or thos ”me aning “straight” or “cor rect”) and “p aidion” (me aning
“child”), is a medic al special t y that focuses on the diagnosis, tre atment, and prevention of musculoskeletal
disorders. Al though or thopedic medicine has evolved signific antly over time, its histor ic al roots c an be traced
b ack to ancient civilizations.
• Ancient Methods
◦ Casting c an be traced b ack to ancient Egypt, where linen b andages and natural resins were used to
immobilize fractures. Edwin Smith Papyrus, a surgic al document from around 1600 BCE, descr ibes the use
of splints to stabilize fractures LAnderson, 2015M. Similar ly, Hippocrates of ancient Greece, often regarded
as the “Father of Medicine,” documented methods for fracture reduction and splinting LGalloway et al.,
• Medieval and Renaissance Developments
◦ Dur ing the Middle Ages, fracture c are involved rudimentar y splints made from wood or le ather. The
Renaissance era brought a deeper understanding of human anatomy through pioneers like Andre as
Vesalius, who influenced the tre atment of fractures with more anatomic ally accurate methods LBrown &
Par ker, 2018M.
• 19 th Centur y: The Ad vent of Moder n Casting
◦ The ter m "or thopedics" was first coined by French physician Nicholas Andr y in his 1741 book
"Or thop aedia, or the Ar t of Cor recting and Preventing Defor mities in Children." Andr y's wor k laid the
foundation for the moder n discipline, emphasizing the impor tance of cor recting musculoskeletal
defor mities in children to promote he al thy development. The introduction of plaster of Par is in the 1800s
mar ked a tur ning point in fracture c are. Invented by Mathijsen, a Dutch militar y surgeon, plaster c asts were
light weight, moldable, and provided r igid immobilization LRobinson, 2020M.
• 20 th Centur y to Present: Ad vanced Materials and Techniques
◦ The development of fiberglass c asting mater ials in the mid-20 th centur y fur ther improved the process by
offer ing light weight, durable, and water-resistant options. Moder n innovations, such as bre athable c ast
liners and water proof mater ials, continue to enhance p atient comfor t and outcomes LSmith et al., 2022M.
1600 BC
ancient Egyptians were among the first to use splints made from mater ials like linen and natural resins to immobilize fractures
Middle Ages
Ad vancements in human anatomy studies enabled fracture management to more anatomic all y precise
19 th Centur y
Introduction of Plaster of Par is for c ast applic ation cre ated light weight, moldable, and r igid c asts
20 th Centur y
Fiberglass offered an immobilization option that was lighter, more durable and water-resist ant
The field of or thopedics has a r ich histor y that sp ans thousands of ye ars, from ancient civilizations to moder n
surgic al advancements. Through the collective effor ts of physicians and rese archers, the discipline has evolved
to provide effective tre atments for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, signific antly improving the qualit y
of life for p atients wor ldwide.