Page 175 - ASOP ROT Study Guide
P. 175

This is seen with examples following a bone tumor (a common secondary tumor to malignant tumors
 of the lung, breast, thyroid and kidney). Fixation of fractures in such circumstances, followed by
 radiotherapy will lead to bone healing but, more importantly, pain relief and early return home.
 9.5 Choices
 Finally there are occasions when fractures may be fixed at the specific request of the injured
 person. Internal fixation leads to early mobility, but slow healing, and a second operation may be
 necessary to remove the metalwork. However, early mobility may be of vital importance for some
 individuals in certain circumstances. Imagine, as you read this, what would happen if you broke
 your femur playing sport next weekend just before an important wedding or an exam! Early
 internal fixation would of course be beneficial, although the risks outlined above would still exist. If
 the surgeon is experienced and skilled and the facilities are excellent, then internal fixation is
 acceptable provided the injured person is properly informed and can give full consideration to the


10.1 Introduction
Although this section is called "complications" a better title might be "consequences" as some
factors such as blood loss and soft tissue bruising are inevitable consequences of an injury resulting
in a fracture. However, by anticipating the consequences such as blood loss, for example by
transfusion, serious problems can be prevented.
Complications may occur soon after the injury (early complications) as a consequence of the injury
(primary). Some early problems may be associated with the treatment of the injury (secondary).
Late complications are generally due to the fracture but a few are unfortunately precipitated by the
treatment, or lack of it. The complications are listed below.

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