Page 183 - ASOP ROT Study Guide
P. 183

periosteum             closed reduction           fat embolism
fracture               open reduction             tachypnoea
history                united                     ischaemic
pain                   consolidated               kidney failure
deformity              casting                    fascial sheath
tenderness             external fixation          compartments
swelling               internal fixation          shin splints
discolouration         plaster of Paris cast      compartment syndrome
bruising               union                      fracture disease
loss of function       functional braces          non-union
crepitus               cast brace                 delayed union
radiograph             ischaemia                  bone graft
tomogram               external fixators          autologous
open fracture          internal fixators          mal-union
closed fracture        apposition                 epiphyseal growth plate
spiral fracture        interfragmentary           arthritis
oblique fracture       compression
transverse fracture    onlay device
simple fracture        inlay device
butterfly fracture     static traction
comminuted fracture    Thomas splint
pathological fracture  balanced traction
pain-killers           dynamic traction
splint                 external callus
traction               micromovement
 osteoporosis          low energy injury
 reduction             intra-articular fractures
 holding               high energy injury
                       early complications
                       late complications
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