Page 213 - Lindsey Philpott "The Ultimate Book of Decorative Knots"
P. 213

netting  and  woven  knots       207

                      square knot
                      The square knot has rightly been called a dangerous   that you have access only to one end of one line, the
                      knot when used to tie two lines together to bear    one with which you are making the netting. Equally,
                      a load. It is an incorrect knot for that purpose.   you may have a series of cords hanging from a
                      However, it is an extremely attractive knot to use   horizontal line, attached there with Ring Hitches,
                      when combined with many of its own to make a        and you might then tie square knots in each pair,
                      covering for a large flat or curved surface. It was   alternating pairs of lines. The effects are stunning.
                      said of the square knot, also known as Hercules’       Try tying differently sized square knots for
                      Knot, Reef Knot, Flat Knot, True Knot, Hard Knot,   each row for an interesting effect, getting a little
                      Common Knot, Regular Knot, and Ordinary Knot,       larger and then smaller with succeeding rows. The
                      that it had too many names and not enough uses, but   size may be varied by leaving a little extra line or a
                      it is most usually called a square knot.            little less line to make each of the ‘diamond’-shaped
                          The Greek surgeon Heraklios used the knot       holes. Professional net-makers and net-menders
                      to tie bandage ends together, because it is readily   who repair or make fishing nets use a gauge stick of
                      spilled and readily tied as well as having the      differing widths that is inserted between succeeding
                      advantage of lying flat on the skin. Boy Scouts learn   rows of knots to ensure an even size of mesh. Many
                      to tie the square knot as ‘left over right, right over   people will use, as shown at the end, the square knot
                      left’, which works well if you have access to the ends.   for covering a bottle. It can produce stunning effects
                      What I show in the photographs below assumes        very quickly and, if evenly tied, very handsomely.

                    1        make a bight on the left with the first cord.

                                                                         3        Finally, pass the second cord over the ends of

                                                                                  the first bight and up out from underneath it.
                                                                                  tighten and fair the knot.

                                                                          The finished and rather plain-looking square knot.
                                                                          Take a look below for some other examples
                                                                          of square knotting.

                              Pass the second cord down into the bight and
                      2 start to bring it over the two ends of the bight.
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