Page 24 - 何嘉仁 eSTAR 5 備課用書
P. 24
三 單字延伸教學 10 分鐘
Fun Time
1. ሗኪ͛ቡᛘࠫࠦʕɛي࿁༑dᝈ࿀ྡ˪Ԩˏኬኪ͛ܠϽ˸ɨਪᕚj
a. Where can we park the car? ̩ʕٙ park ˾ڌʡჿจܠkpark މਗ൚dڌ৾ԓ
b. We can park in the parking lot.parking lot ڌ৾ԓఙ
c. 補充 park ਗ൚d̙͜ڌͪ৾ԓiNo parking. ڌຫ˟৾ԓf
d. ৾ԓఙۃٙᅺͪɪٙ P ܸ݊ʡჿkparking৾ԓeparking lot৾ԓఙ
2. ሗኪ͛༊ഹࠑՉ˼˚੬͛ݺʕ੬Ԉٙήᓃאʹஷᅺͪf
四 總結活動 10 分鐘
1. ࢪ৪ͪὁ੭ჯኪ͛ል୦ఊοʿ̩ۨdԷνj৪ͪὁ park dኪ͛Ⴍ I’m going to
the park.fԱΝӉᇖ୦Չ˼ఊοf
2. ࢪਗ਼ఊοྡ̔ʱ׳ໄί܃ʕdԷνj܃ܝ˙٤ήeۃژeܝژஈאࣣᓞഃf
3. ሗӊଡ଼ݼɓЗኪ͛Ց̨ۃdࢪᎇจפɓੵὁdԷνj bookstore f
4. ΌफԱὁɪఊοਮᛘఊοձ̩ɿՇཁdԷνjBookstore, bookstore. I’m going to the
bookstore. Bookstore, bookstore. I’m going to the bookstore.f
5. ̨ɪଡ଼˾ڌۆ̀ίఊοձ̩ɿਮᛘഐҼۃԐՑఊοྡ̔ה׳ໄٙЗໄdԨɽᑊႭ̈
I’m going to the bookstore.dܓ௰ҞٙۃɧЗ̙ʱf
6. ࢪ̙ൖኪࣛගӔ֛༷Ꮥϣᅰf
1. ࢪפɓੵήᓃὁމग़।ήᓃdԷνj supermarket dʔ̙ᜫኪ͛Ցf
2. ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dሗӊଡ଼፯ɓࡈఊοf
3. ࢪᅧ׳ᗲ˖̔זdӊଡ଼Աה፯ٙఊοd༧ഹື۱ਮ̈ᗲ˖fᇖ୦˙όνɨj
Group 1 ፯ libraryeGroup 2 ፯ bookstoreeGroup 3 ፯ supermarketenn
Group 1: Library, library. I’m going to the library.
Group 2: Bookstore, bookstore. I’m going to the bookstore.
Group 3: Supermarket, supermarket. I’m going to the supermarket.
Group 3 ፯Ցग़ॕήᓃd̙ᐏɓʱ
4. ɨɓࡈΫΥdࢪࠠอண֛ग़।ήᓃdӊଡ଼ࠠอ፯ఊοd͟ટɨ̘ٙଡ଼йක
(Group 4)f
5. ୕ࠇʱdʱ௰৷ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f