Page 40 - 低年級 Fun World 3 備課用書
P. 40

24   Unit 2
     Student Book

                           教學目標                                                教學資源

                                                               • CD player                  • CD 1
     • ঐə༆͉ఊʩ݂ԫɽจf                                             • ὁ͎                       • ఊὁ
     • ঐᛓeႭ͛ݺ͜ႧdԨ༶͜׵͛ݺઋྤʿ๖ஷʘʕf
                                                               • ʝਗό઺ኪΈဿ

      教學重點                                                                       數位教學工具
      1. ͛ݺ͜ႧjI’m sorry.eThat’s OK.f                             ९ቮᅂ˪jீཀਖ਼ุߵႧ઺ࢪٙ઺ኪᅂ˪d
      2. ο͎˾ڌఊο duckeelephantefan ᛓ፫ၾྡจ፫ᗆf

                                                                        【故事錄音內容】請見本書第 171 頁
      Story Time         20 分鐘                                                  CD1_34 中文導讀                                                                                   Unit
                                                      Story Time       1  34-36  CD1_35 英文導讀                                                                              2
      圖片情境                                                                      CD1_36 課文跟讀

     Ӕ֛λࠅ࠾ࣣٙܝdAndy ఱࣅഹࣣdΣ
     ྡࣣ᎜ڡൊ၍ଣࡰ೮াfɓࣙٙ Daisy ۍ                                                       Lion Says
     ڽڽ̰̰ήᅜՑəࣅഹɓᛌُࣣٙनΝኪ                                      elephant                                                                                   3
     əl Daisy ஹώΣُनΝኪ༸ခeҧ˼१                                                                  fan                                                          Thank you.
     ৎԸdAndy ɰཀԸᏍώਗ਼ࣣዂৎԸfُ
     नΝኪࡡሓə Daisy ٙೌːʘཀdɰᑽᑽ
    1. ሗኪ͛ᔕՑሙ͉ Story Time ࠫࠦd઺ࢪ
      ᅧ׳ CDdˏኬኪ͛޶ྡᛓ݂ԫf

    2. ݂ԫଣ༆j઺ࢪ౤ਪdሗኪ͛Ա
      ݂ԫאᝈ࿀ྡ˪Ϋഈf            素              素
     1  What animal is at the door?        導
        ίژɹٙ݊ʡჿਗيk €a duck                向           1  I'm sorry.                                                 Look and Say  1  37
     2  Look at the book Andy borrows.
                                                                     2                                                  I'm sorry.
        What animal is on its cover?                                    That's OK.
        Andy ࠾ࣣٙ܆ࠦɪϞʡჿਗيk
       €an elephant     素養導向
     3  What’s in the corner of the library?
        ྡࣣ᎜ٙԉໝϞʡჿk €a fan
     4  What should Daisy say when she
        bumps into Fox?
          Daisy ᅜՑُनΝኪᏐ༈Ⴍʡჿk
       €I’m sorry.                              24                                                                                                                        25
     5  What should Fox say when Daisy                                               ߎਸ਼ʫމ͉ఊʩ˾ڌఊο
          helps him to get up?
        Daisy ҧُनΝኪ१ৎԸdُनᏐ༈Ⴍ
          ʡჿk €Thank you.

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