Page 107 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 107

Unit 4
             差異化教學活動建議:實習醫生  €̙ᅂΙᕚࢫΈဿ Unit 4 ኪ୦ఊԴ͜

              1. ਗ਼Όफኪ͛˸˜ମሯʱଡ଼™(Heterogeneous Grouping) ٙ˙όʱމᅰଡ଼f

              2. ઺ࢪ๟௪ኪ୦ఊd೯ഗኪ͛ӊɛɓੵf
              3. ሗʃଡ଼ኪ͛ʝ޴ΥЪணࠇ̈ɓੵ˜षዝߏ፽™dྡʕც̍ўධͦj
               a. षɛ֑Τeൢᓙ˚ಂ
               b. षसΤ၈
               c. ;ቮܔᙄ


                 Patient:   John       Date: June 15, 2019


                 1. Take a warm bath.
                 2. Go to bed early.
                 3. Avoid greasy food.
                 4. Drink more water.

              4. ΢ଡ଼ҁϓܝdሗӊଡ଼ቃݴɪ̨ʱԮЪۜf
              5. ઺ࢪ̙ൖफॴኪً͛رdʱৣഗʔΝ೻ܓኪ͛ʔΝʈЪf೻ܓʱৣܔᙄνɨj
                ººº ਿᓾj೥̈אᄳ͉̈ఊʩषसΤ၈f

                 ººº ʕචj೥̈אᄳ̈˚ಂʿՉ˼੬ԈٙषसdԷνjcough€ۗྔe
                              stuffy nose€ᄀ෦f
                 ººº ආචj೥̈אᄳ̈;ቮܔᙄdԨ˸ҁ዆̩ۨ౜ࠑ˼ɛٙԒ᜗ًرdԷνj

                              John has a headache. He should take a warm bath and go to bed
                              early. He also has a stomachache. He should avoid greasy food and
                              drink more water.

             五   回家作業
              ሗኪ͛Ϋ࢕˸ CD€אኪ͜ཥɿࣣᛓᛘሙ͉ୋ 53-54 ࠫdᆞ઄ఊοʿ̩ۨf

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