Page 129 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 129

Review 2 68

                                                        A. Listen and Choose
         C  Look, Read, and Write                         ᛓɢʫ࢙j
           1            2             3
                                                          1. A: Sorry, I’m late.
                                                            B: What time do you get up, Bob?
                                                            A: I get up at 7:00.
                                                            B: Why are you late?
           4                        5                       A: My dad gets up at 7:30.
                                                          2. A: Amy, do you have a cold?
                                                            B: No. I’m tired. I have a headache.
                                                            A: What time do you go to bed?
                                                            B: I go to bed at 11:00.
                                                          3. A: Where are you going, John?
                             goes to school
           1  It's seven thirty. Judy                                   by bike.
                                                            B: I’m going to the hospital. I have a fever.
           2  Sam feels nervous. He has a                                  .
                                                            A: Do you have a sore throat?
                                takes a shower
           3  Charles is from the UK. He
                                                            B: No, I don’t. I have a runny nose.
              in the morning.
           4  Andy                                            at five thirty.
                   does his homework
             He                                   at seven o'clock.
                  has dinner
           5  Mary is at the hospital. She has a                            and
                 sore throat
             a                                  .
           5. ઺ࢪਗ਼ Unit 4 ̩ۨૢ  Does he have a fever?  ൨ίලؐɪdਗ਼Όफʱމɧଡ଼d઺ࢪ΂จ೯

             ഗ΢ଡ଼ɓੵ Unit 4 ఊὁf
           6. ΢ଡ଼ቃݴɪ̨dԨݼଡ଼ʫɓЗ˾ڌ˓ࣅఊὁ€ʔঐഗ̨ɨՉ˼ኪ͛޶Ԉd̨ɨՉ˼ଡ଼

             €Group 1 ˾ڌ˓ࣅ  runny nose  ὁ
              G2: Does he have a runny nose?
              G1: Yes, he does.
           7. ઺ࢪԱϤӉ᜷d˸Չ˼ὁආБ˾౬ᇖ୦f

          三   對話聽力練習   8 分鐘               CD2 39

           A. Listen and Choose
           1. ሗኪ͛ᔕЇሙ͉ Review 2 ٙ A. Listen and Choosedሗኪ͛΋ቡᛘᕚͦdԨԱ፯ධྡͪΫ

             ഈdԷνj 1  a  Bob’s dad gets up at 7:00.  b  Bob’s dad gets up at 7:30.  c  Bob’s dad
             gets up at 8:00. ԱϤ˙όҁϓᕚ 2 ձᕚ 3 f

           2. ᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛˺୚ᛓ፽ࠪʫ࢙dԱ࿁༑ʿᕚͦ፯͍̈ᆽٙྡ˪f
           3. ЪഈҁଭܝdΎϣᅧ׳ CDd஼ᕚࣨ࿁ഈࣩf

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