Page 41 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 41
Unit 1 20
Unit 1
B Listen and Circle 1 28
1 2 3 4 oi:
noise Jay moist boil avoid, boil, choice, coil, foil, hoist, joint,
nose Joy mist bail
moist, poison, soil, spoil, voice
C Listen and Read 1 29
annoy, cowboy, coy, destroy, enjoy, ploy,
Joy meets a shy boy.
Roy, royal, voyage
The boy is pointing at Andy's toy.
The toy makes some noise.
Joy ɾɿΤ
Andy gets some oil for the toy. noise ኛࠪ
join ਞၾ
The boy wants to join in.
He puts a coin in the toy car.
Oh, no! Who can stop the car?
三 發音教學 2 10 分鐘 CD1 26-27
1. ࢪਗ਼ oy ೯ࠪԷο soybeans boy toy ᄳίලؐɪdԨሗኪ͛༧ਮf
2. ሗɓЗኪ͛ɪ̨dࢪΎਮɓϣ೯ࠪԷοdሗ̨ɪኪ͛ਗ਼οʕ೯ [O] ٙο͎ਸ਼ৎԸdԷνj
soybeans boy toy f
3. ࢪ੭ਮ೯ࠪ oy [O]dኪ͛༧ਮdᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐᛓ፫ʿਮᛘ೯ࠪf
4. ࢪ৪ͪ೯ࠪὁdˏኬኪ͛˸೯ࠪۆܳਮఊοdԷνj[O], [O], soybeansi
[O], [O], boy i[O], [O], toydᆽႩኪ͛ޫঐਮ͍̈ᆽٙ೯ࠪf
5. ࢪᅧ׳ CDאཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛ᛓɓཁ೯̩ࠪdΎ༧ഹ CD ਮɓཁf
1. ਗ਼Όफʱމᅰଡ଼dሗଡ଼ʃᑊীሞ̈ᕚdӊЗଡ଼ࡰ፯ɓ೯ࠪ˾ڌοdՉʕɓЗଡ଼ࡰٙ
೯ࠪοڢ͉ఊʩ೯ࠪۆdԷνj oil coin toy try soy point f
2. ӊଡ଼ቃݴਮ೯ࠪοdɨɓଡ଼ଚഈdҬ̈ʔ᙮͉ఊʩ೯ࠪۆٙ೯ࠪοdଚ࿁ɓʱd
Group 1: oil coin toy try soy point
Group 2: tryଚ࿁ɓʱ
3. ʃଡ଼̈ᕚ̙ࣛᜊʷਮᛘ˙όdԷνj̋ɝື۱אᜊ౬ܓdᄣ̋ଚഈٙᗭܓdШ̀ࠅ