Page 7 - MPRC Collateral (8.5 × 11 in)
P. 7

Claims Process

           Insurer Right: To be granted significant access to the property to complete their assessment,
           adjustment, and estimate of the damages.

           Insured Responsibility: To prove their claim including but not limited to causation, extent of
           damages, method of remedy and costing.

                                               Assessment Phase

                       Insurer                                                          Insured
      Determine if the cause is a covered loss                              Collaborate on retaining the expert used
      Provide a coverage position                                           to determine the cause

                                                                            Prove your claim

                                               Adjustment Phase

                       Insurer                                                           Insured

      Adjust  &  estimate  damages  to  contents/stock                         Appraise & estimate damages to contents/stock
      and dwelling/buildings                                                   and dwelling/buildings
      Takes a position on ALE/LOI indemnity period                             Clearly documents timelines to accurately reflect
      Value position on the amount of loss                                     the indeminity period
                                                                               Submit POL based on the value of the amount of


                                                 Appraisal Phase

                         Insurer                                                               Insured

        Prepare and present evidence on the amount of                         Prepare and present evidence on the value of
        loss position in the adjusmtnet phase                                 the amount of loss as outlined in the POL

                                                  Litigation Phase

                                             Addresses diagreements over coverage and other
                                                       non-value disagreements.
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