Page 8 - Copy of MPRC COLLATERAL OPTION 3 (8.5 × 11 in)
P. 8


    ACV                  Actual Cash Value - Valued policies pre-agree upon an amount of insurance for your dwelling/building, contents
                         and  equipment. In the event of a Total Loss of your dwelling/building, this is the amount you would receive
                         (less any applicable deductions).  On an ACV policy, claims are subject to an adjusted settlement based upon
                         the age and condition of the damaged item or dwelling/building.

    ALE                  Addition Living Expenses coverage allows you to maintain a comparable quality of life while living outside your
                         home during repairs and rebuilding. It is designed to keep you from struggling to find accommodation while
                         your home is unlivable. With ALE coverage, you will not have to stay with family or suffer undue financial
                         hardship to rent temporary accommodations.

    Appraisal            Section 128 of the Insurance Act, RSO 1990, c I.8 (the “Act”), applies to an insurance policy containing a
                         condition, statutory or otherwise, providing for an appraisal to determine specific matters – typically, the value

                         of insured property – in the event of a disagreement between the insurer and the insured. More specifically, s.
                         128(5) of the Act, authorizes the court to appoint an appraiser where a party fails to do so within seven days of
                         being served with notice to do so.

   Co-Insurance          Type of insurance in which the insured pays a share of the payment made against a claim.

                                Amount of Insurance Carried
                                                               X   Amount of Loss  =  Payout
                               Value of Property X Co-Insurance %

   CRM                    Customer Relationship Management – This allows clients to have direct access to their project via a portal.

   GC                     General Contractor.

   GRC                     GRC – Guaranteed Replacement Cost – provides the peace of mind in knowing that, in the event of a
                           catastrophic loss, your home will be rebuilt to the same standard of construction, with materials of like kind
                           and quality, regardless of the value declared on your policy, subject to the insurers' terms and conditions.

   Indemnity              A promise from one party to another to repay them or make them whole.

   Insured                The person (or persons) whose risk of financial loss from an insured peril is protected by the policy.
                          Sometimes call the "policyholder".

    Insurer                The Insurance Company.
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