Page 5 - Copy of MPRC COLLATERAL OPTION 3 (8.5 × 11 in)
P. 5

OPTION 3 - MP Restoration Consulting Ltd.

    Objective :  Cost Effective Solutions

    What we do

       As a Project Management (PM) company, we can work independently or with your GC/trades to complete repairs

       Collboration with experts and contractors to begin repairs in a reasonable timeframe
       To provide you with multiple options and solutions while simultaneously advocating the claims handling process

       Complete repairs before your ALE/LOI indemity period expires

    Why It Works

       Our PM costs are       Extensive        Advocate OBC       Transparency -     Multiple options     Peace of mind
        included in the     insurance and     requirements vs      we use a CRM        with  many        knowing that we
       claim indemnity       restoration           policy        software system        solutions          take care of
         payments            knowledge           exclusions       providing clients                        everything
                                                                   direct access

     Your outcome

      No shortfall of money -  Avoid - ALE     Re-Occupancy -      Quicker resolution - Repairs   Options - For

     Our PM fees are included    and LOI      Repairs completed       completed while we         insureds who do
     in the repair costs and in  stoppage       in reasonable       simultaneously advocate     not want to repair
            the O&P                               timeframe            the claims process        but prefer to sell

                                                           The BEST way forward

                                                  Your Property


                                                                      100% or MORE of your home

                                                                                        investment restored.  You

                                                                                       are made completely whole.
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