Page 22 - Unleasing Your Social Media Potential
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To optimize your social media presence, we offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to your specific needs. Here is a condensed overview of our recommended strategy:
1. Retainer Program: Consider our retainer program, which offers a discounted rate of $65/hour. This option provides ongoing support and allows for a more cost-effective approach to your social media needs. Alternatively, you can opt for our standard rate of $80/hour for individual projects.
2. Custom Social Media Tiles: Complex social media tiles, involving custom designs and intricate image cutouts, typically require at least an hour of work. Simpler designs can be completed in as little as 5-8 minutes, costing approximately $5-10. However, it’s crucial to prioritize a cohesive brand image over sporadic designs inspired by external sources.
3. Brand Strategy: Prioritize building a brand strategy for your program, incorporating your school’s existing brand guidelines if available. We can assist you in developing a brand guideline specifically for social media, ensuring consistency and a unified look and feel.
4. Workshop and Brand Identity Guide: Begin the process with a workshop where we gather information, review your preferred social media designs, and establish your brand identity guide for social media. This guide will serve as a blueprint for creating templates that align with your strategy, which we can refine based on your feed- back.
 5. Season Strategy and Execution: Create an overall season strategy aligned with your calendar of events. Divide
it into monthly and weekly plans, which we will review in 15-minute stand-up meetings twice a week. These meetings will allow us to address any changes, ensure preparedness, and assign ownership for obtaining missing information.
6. Budget Planning: Based on the number and type of social media tiles required, we will budget the estimated workload accordingly. This ensures that work is distributed throughout the season, minimizing unnecessary over- ages and aligning with your financial resources.
7. Execution and Review: As part of the work plan, we will execute social media designs, stage them for your review, and provide a convenient revision process. Completed designs will be moved to the current cycle, while those requiring additional content or information will be placed in the pre-work or needs more info columns for efficient progress.
8. Ad Hoc Requests: Although we understand that ad hoc requests are inevitable, we strive to deliver as promptly as possible. Please note that requests outside regular business hours may be fulfilled on the next business day, depending on our availability.
9. Season Wrap-up: Towards the end of the season, we will plan designs to communicate season results, academic honors, and other relevant information. and Design ©2023 All Rights Reserved. ( 22 )

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