Page 8 - ATBH2023 - Doha Qatar - Sergio König Presentation Interdisciplinary
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Estrategia de desarrollo de Aprendizaje Colaborativo y el Aprendizaje
Collaborative Learning Cooperative Learning
• Students organize their efforts among • Participation is encouraged • Structured activities for each student with
themselves (structured as a group, • They take a degree of responsibility specific-assigned roles and with products
usually by partitioning the efforts) for their own learning and Individual Deliverables (assigned by
the teacher or by the team) that contribute
• Students get material for the completion • Teachers act as facilitators of or will be inputs for the team's work and for
of the activity learning the achievement of everyone's objectives.
• Focuses on completing a deliverable
• The activity is not monitored by the • Teacher as observer and guide (they listen
teacher (on-demand and focal or product (task/project) and intervene when necessary) providing
attendance to the required requirement) • Improves Deeper Cognitive Skills inputs
• Increases information retention
• Students evaluate their own individual • Students generate a product by
and group performance levels cooperating with each other (team
• Instills team-building skills
• Success Depends on Individual • Create shared learning experiences deliverable), on which they have
Strengths performed self-evaluations, co-evaluations
• Expose the diversities and know that they will be hetero-
• Encourages social interaction evaluated.
• Helps prepare students for the world • Success depends on the efforts of Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material sin hacer mención a la fuente © Copyright 2019
of work everyone involved (not just the group or
team but the entire unit or section)
Collaborative Work Cooperative Work
Collaborative Learning and Cooperative Learning Development Strategy. Authors' own elaboration by Sergio König, Master's Thesis Innovation and Curricular Evaluation, 2021, UDD,
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Contenidos y materiales docentes del Dr. Sergio A. König © 2022-2023