Page 8 - ClubLife Weekly 060722 (6)
P. 8


        P I N E A P P L E   T E P A C H E


       Yields 32 oz.

            4 1/2 Cups Water

            1/2 cup Piloncillo, or Brown


            1 Ripe Fresh Pineapple

            1 Cinnamon Stick


       1. Combine water and piloncillo or brown sugar in a pot or 2-quart
         mason jar. Stir to dissolve the sugar or piloncillo with a wooden               Notes
         spoon and break the piloncillo up as it softens.
       2.  Remove the crown from the pineapple and discard it. Rinse the
         outside of the pineapple and then peel off all of the skin. Place               Tepache is a lightly
         the peeled pieces of skin in the pot with the sugar and add in                  fermented drink that
         the cinnamon stick. Dice up the pineapple into large cubes and                  is made with
         reserve them for another use. Reserve the fibrous core and add                  pineapple and is very
         it to the pot with the pineapple peels. Stir to combine and then                popular in Mexico. It is
         cover with a clean dish towel.
                                                                                         refreshing and
       3.  Set it on the kitchen counter at room temperature. Check the
                                                                                         relatively easy to
         tepache after 24-36 hours. You should see some activity. A
                                                                                         make. Just a few
         frothy white foam on the surface. If there is no activity let it sit
                                                                                         ingredients and a little
         for another day. Strain the tepache through a fine strainer or
                                                                                         bit of time and you
         cheesecloth. Dilute and sweeten the tepache as you like. The
                                                                                         will be enjoying your
         result is a slightly effervescent and 2-3% abv beverage.
                                                                                         own homemade
                                                Executive Chef

                                                Harold Ramos
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