Page 23 - ClubLife Weekly 102122
P. 23

G R O U N D S   S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

                                                   S E T H   S M I T H


                                                    Dear Members,

        The golf course received just under 1” of rain earlier this week. I do not expect

          the cooler temperatures to significantly impact growth of the new grasses
        considering we are back in the mid 80’s for highs in the foreseeable forecast.
       The overseeded areas around the chipping green and the driving range tee are
      showing good germination, and the tee box can be expected to open early next

       week. Last Friday, Sanders Golf completed repair of the drainage issues at the
       cart path near the putting green, beside #3 green, behind #5 green, in front of
      #9 green, and behind #11 green. The fairways and approaches height of cut has
        been stepped down, our target height of .500”. The greens are still being top-

            dressed and fertilized to promote smoothness and growth. Sod is being
         delivered and installed by the grounds team to patch up weak areas in the
                    fairways and tee boxes before our opening on October 29th.
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