Page 25 - ClubLife Weekly 110422
P. 25

G R O U N D S   S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

                                                   S E T H   S M I T H


                                                    Dear Members,

       It has been very exciting over the last week to see you all back out and playing
       on the newly renovated golf course. In addition to your excitement, it was very
       rewarding for the grounds team to see all of their hard work being put to good

      use. The golf course received 3” of rain on Monday, providing a nice relief for the
       new sod that was installed over the last couple of weeks. Another truck load of
       sod will be installed this Thursday to patch up the beginning of #15 fairway, #7
      tee complex, and some other small areas around the golf course. Last week, the

      pump house located off of #17 tee was painted to blend in better and provide a
                                      better look while playing the hole.
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