Page 14 - ClubLife Weekly 081222
P. 14



       Kellsey grew up in Monument,         15 of all Division One ladies golf
       Colorado where she was a multi-sport  programs for their team grade point               Welcome
       athlete and eventually had a passion  average. Every summer, Kellsey would               Kellsey!
       for golf that led her to Texas A&M   head back to Colorado and work at
       University, Corpus Christi. Kellsey is  local clubs in pro shops and run junior
       super organized and this             golf camps. She is a natural
       has shown in her ability to balance life  leader and loves to encourage players
       as a student athlete at the Division  of all ages. Kellsey will start on August
       One level. In working through her four  16 and work as First
       years of eligibility, Kellsey has    Assistant Golf Professional. She will be
       received her Bachelor of Science     in charge of inside/outside golf staff
       Degree in Finance and is currently   and work directly with the                  "We look forward
       working on a Masters in Business     kids and ladies programming in              to Kellsey sharing
       Administration at TAMUCC. In         addition to giving private lessons. We
       Kellsey’s final season playing at    look forward to Kellsey sharing             her positive
       TAMUCC she finished 2nd Team All-    her positive outlook and knowledge of       outlook and
       Conference as an individual and the  the game she loves.
       team finished in the top                                                         knowledge of the
                                                                                        game she loves."
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