Page 21 - ClubLife Weekly 061422 (1)
P. 21

G R O U N D S   S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

                                                   S E T H   S M I T H


                                                  Dear Members,

                     The practice greens have been filled with greensmix,
                     compacted, and the depths checked to ensure 12” of

                    sand. Irrigation is currently being installed around the
                      practice greens, and the bunkers have been formed.
                   Many bunkers on the outer loop have also been formed

                       over the last week. Once the form of the bunker is
                      approved, the edging and contouring of the bunker

                   subgrade will then occur, followed by drainage, bunker
                   liner, and sand. The driving range tee and practice area
                   will be sodded early next week, and sod will start to be

                          laid on the outer loop after the practice area is
                    complete. New cart path has been installed at #12 tee,

                                     #7 tee, and the practice facility.
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