Page 7 - ClubLife Weekly 061422 (1)
P. 7


        W A T E R M E L O N   A G U A   F R E S C A


            4 Cups Diced Watermelon
            3 Cups Water

            Juice of 2 Limes

            1 Tsp. Grated Fresh Ginger
            2 Sprigs of Fresh Mint Leaves

            2 Tbsps. Sugar or Agave


        1. Combine all ingredients in a blender
          and process on high to incorporate.
       2.  Strain the liquid through a mesh
          strainer and then discard the pulp.                                            Agua Fresca is a great

          Pour over ice.                                                                 way to utilize the
                                                                                         abundant crop of
       3. Garnish with more mint sprigs and a
                                                                                         watermelon that pops
          wedge of lime.
                                                                                         up during the
                                                                                         summer. Refreshing
                                                                                         and versatile, this
                                                                                         recipe can be
                                                                                         substituted with any

                                              Executive Chef                             melon such as
                                                                                         cantaloupe or
                                              Harold Ramos                               honeydew or any
                                                                                         combination of the
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