Page 28 - ClubLife Weekly 111822
P. 28

G R O U N D S   S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

                                                   S E T H   S M I T H


                                                    Dear Members,

       The cooler weather has naturally slowed down growth on the golf course, but
        we are still cutting green grass which is nice to see. Sod was installed on #15
      about 2 weeks ago. Thank you for your patience to drive around this area as we

        wait for the grass to adequately establish. Another truck will be installed this
          week to finish up #15, #7 tee complex, and right of #3 green. We are in the
       process of installing the new Family Tee plaques in the beginning of fairways,
                 and those are expected to be completed by the end of the week.
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