Page 29 - ClubLife Weekly 101422
P. 29

G R O U N D S   S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

                                                   S E T H   S M I T H


                                                   Dear Members,

      The golf course contractor, Sanders Golf, arrived back on site this week to
       address the handful of drainage issues that arose from the construction.

       They have fixed #9, are currently working behind #11 green, and will then
      move to #3 and behind #5 green. Most of their work should be completed

             by the end of the coming weekend. The grounds team began sod
         prepping fairways and tee boxes that will require some patch work to

       complete the areas that struggled during the grow-in. Sod deliveries will
       begin on Monday and will be completed by the end of next week. We are
        still applying fertilizer on a regular basis to promote fill-in and produce

                                    good grass density before opening.
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