Page 3 - July August v2(9)
P. 3
b y O w e n D o u g h e r t y
G M / C O O
I would also like to take the time to
The past few months have been filled welcome our three newest board
with a bit of doubt and uncertainty. members that were elected on June
Most recently, we have seen 17th. I know they will assist the club
members starting to rejoin us at the moving forward in the right direction.
club and what a fun time it has been At this year's Annual Meeting, the
seeing your familiar faces again. I feel Board of Governors informed
like we might be getting past all this membership that our greens and
very soon and am hopeful for the bunkers project would be pushed
second half of this year to be a club back to December 2021. This
story of success and triumph. decision was based on the 'health' of
the club, following the COVID-19
We are moving into the dog days of pandemic we all faced back in March.
summer, if you will, and that means
4th of July weekend festivities. Our I'd also like to remind members that
annual Firecracker Golf Tournament we lunched a digital weekly ClubLife
is set for July 3-5th. This tournament magazine that is being sent out to
has a very long and rich history here membership each Friday. The
at the club and we are feel blessed magazine is a snapshot of the week
that we're able to host the event again to come and will provides vital club
this year. We're hosting an information on events and other
Independence Day poolside party as happenings.
well and hope to see everyone
there. Finally, pool season is in full swing
and we have started offering a Grill
As we move into August, our annual and Chill Thursday-Saturday
Member/Guest tournament, The evenings on the Pub Patio. We
Burke Cup, is earmarked for August intending to create a family fun
21-23rd. This year is especially environment for all at the pool and
important as we celebrate the late also for those who wish to partake as
Tommy Burke Jr., whom the they pass by.
tournament is named after. Tommy
dedicated over 30 years to Corpus As always, thank you for your
Christi Country Club and left a lasting continued support and we look
legacy that will live on forever. We forward to seeing you at the club.
celebrated Tommy's life this past
June, as he left us to be at his final
resting place.