Page 6 - The Dutch
P. 6

The Dutch

                                              Corpus Christi Country Club
                                        Saturday/Sunday, August 28-29, 2021
                                                       Rules Sheet


      Two Person Team Quota-Two person teams will play their own ball recording all scores as
      gross. Players will receive points based on their score for each hole.  After the first round the
      team quota will adjust up or down 50% off of the difference from the team’s quota. Round
      two will be paired by first round results off of the +/-. The team with the most points above

      their team quota over two days wins The Dutch.
                                     Hole-In-One-10 Points
                                     Double Eagle-8 Points
                                     Eagle-6 Points
                                     Birdie-4 Points
                                     Par-2 Points

                                     Bogey-1 Point
                                     Double Bogey or Higher-Zero Points

      Players will receive a quota added together for a team quota. For the individual quota, the
      quota is based off of a player’s handicap. For example, each hole has a par of 2 points or 18
      holes for 36 points. For a zero handicap, the player will receive a quota of 36 points. If you
      have a 10 handicap your quota will be 26 points. The two players quota will be added

      together for the team quota.


               Blue Tees

               White (50% or more of your scores are from the white tees)
               Red (50% or more of your scores are from the red tees)

               Red Tees
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7