Page 4 - RemoteSnsing&GIS by PK Gogoi
P. 4
Preface Contents
SECTION -I : Remote Sensing : A conceptual framework
Concept of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (Science) is an integral
part of geographical studies. Midst of technological development and advancement of science
and technology,an accurate,orderly and rational information of earth in compliance with its Chapter :I Introduction to Remote Sensing
different spheres, is of paramount necessity. From the days of ‘Eratosthenes’ during 123 BC to
What is Remote Sensing
the contemporary world, Geography has been a subject of dynamism and cognitive idealism.
The mother Earth endowed/bestowed with mesmerizing horizons of distinct spheres viz.
Lithosphere, Hydrosphere,Atmosphere and Biosphere. The diversified chores of habitable
earth needs to be spatially observed and managed for a better with sustainable habitable home.
A prompt and accurate decision making tools and techniques are need of the hour to expedite
for a systematic and management per se. In the advent of human civilization through ages
,surveying and map mapping technique are of sea change. The prime objective in in the
middle age (sgsggsgsgssg to hjhjdhjddh) by voyaging through sea route to discover the world
and resource inventory ,has in many fold, changed to voyage the universe ,especially the earth
through space .
While interacting with the theoretical perspective of Remote Sensing and GIS in general
and application of Remote Sensing and GIS in geographical studies in particular, there is
always an urgent necessity to understand the practical aspect. The step by step demonstration
of data base management using software like ArcGis for both Remote Sensing and GIS has
been incorporated in this book. Image Processing and Analysis , LULC, NDVI , Thematic
Mapping by making Shape files, Disease Mapping using IDWI ets are some of the areas which
are many a times applicable in research of AIO (Area of Interest) .
The book is a mare effort to develop theoretical as well as applied knowledge for students
associated with Geoinformatics. As has been mentioned that this book tells about the very
fundamentals of Remote Sensing and GIS and therefore ,intentionally or unintentionally,
some parts having mathematical derivation have been skipped.
WE shall be looking forward if this book fulfills the needs of students. For further
improvement of this book we shall welcome all sorts of suggestions and recommendations