Page 103 - super_minds_3_students_book
P. 103
Match the facts with the man-made wonders. Listen and check.
There are also wonders of the world made by people. We can call them ‘man-made’ wonders.
Here are some of them.
The Great Pyramid The Great Wall, China The Taj Mahal, India
of Giza, Egypt
There are more than 2.3 million stones in it.
The Emperor Shah Jahan built it to remember his wife.
Many people think you can see it from the moon but that’s not true.
It’s 170 metres tall.
They built it in 20 years.
6 It’s the longest wall in the world.
Talk about a natural or man-made wonder
beautiful old big interesting
of the world. Use the words to help you.
Which wonder of the
I want to see the Great Barrier Reef.
world do you want to see?
It’s very beautiful and very big.
Make a poster with your two favourite wonders of the world.
Write a few sentences and a question about each wonder.
My favourite wonders of the world
This is the Great Pyramid This is the Paricutin Volcano
of Giza. It is in Egypt. It is the youngest volcano
How tall is it? in America. How old is it?
Geography 103