Page 10 - DECEMBER 2020 AUCTION - Catalogue TWO
P. 10


              IMPORTANT NOTICE                 Reports from American gemological   Prospective buyers should be aware that
              REGARDING COLOURED               laboratories used by Trigo will disclose   all gemstones may have been enhanced
              STONES                           any heat enhancement or treatment.   by some method. Prospective buyers may
              Prospective buyers are reminded   European gemmological laboratory   request reports for any uncertified item.
              that many coloured gemstones have   reports will disclose heat enhancement   If requests are made at least three weeks
              historically treated to enhance their   only if specifically requested but will   before the scheduled date of auction. This
              appearance. Certain enhancement   confirm when no heat enhancement or   service is subject to prepayment by the
              methods, such as heating, are commonly   treatment has been made.   requesting party of the cost of the service.
              used to improve both colour or   Because of variation in approach and
              transparency, particularly in rubies and   technology there may not be consensus   Because enhancement affects market
              sapphires. Other methods, such as oiling,   among laboratories as to whether any   value, Trigo’s estimates will reflect the
              enhance the clarity of emeralds. These   particular gemstone has been treated, the   information disclosed in a report or, if no
              methods have been generally accepted   extent of treatment and whether treatment   report is available, the assumption that
              by the international jewellery trade.   is permanent.            gemstones may have been enhanced.
              Although heat enhancement of colour
              is widely believed to be permanent, it   It is not feasible for Trigo to obtain a   Condition reports are usually available
              may have some impact on the durability   gemmological report for each gemstone   for all lots upon request and Trigo’s
              of the gemstone retain their maximum   offered by Trigo.         specialists will be happy to answer any
              appearance. It is Trigo’s policy to                              questions.
              obtain gemmological reports from
              internationally recognised gemmological
              laboratories describing certain gemstones
              sold by Trigo. The availability of such
              reports will be disclosed in the catalogue
              if they are available.
              TO PROSPECTIVE BUYERS OF         Please note that all Rolex watches in the   REGARDING ESTIMATED
              CLOCKS & WATCHES                 Trigo’s sale catalogue are sold as viewed   WEIGHTS
              Prospective purchasers are reminded that   and that Trigo cannot guarantee the   Certain weights in the catalogue have
              the items in the catalogue are sold ‘as   authenticity of any individual component   been estimated through measurement.
              is’. Where possible, significant damage   parts of these Rolex watches. The   These figures are to be used as an
              is mentioned in the description of the   bracelets described as “associated” are   approximate guideline and should not be
              Lot although this does not include all   not part of the original piece and may not   relied upon as exact.
              faults and imperfections or restoration.   be authentic.
              No warranty is made that any watch   Prospective buyers should satisfy
              is in working order and nothing in the   themselves by personal inspection as
              catalogue description of any Lot should   to the condition of each Lot. Condition
              be taken as implying such. Neither should   reports can be requested from Trigo
              the description of any Lot be taken as   and are given ‘without prejudice’
              indicating the absence of restoration   in accordance with the terms of the
              or repair or to be a statement as to the   conditions of sale and limited warranty
              condition of the Lot or the state of   printed at the front of the catalogue.
              conservation.                    Nevertheless, such reports are for
              It should be noted that most wristwatches   general guidance only and will not
              with water-resistant cases have been   specify all mechanical replacements
              opened to identify type and quality of   or imperfections. Such reports will,
              movement. It cannot be assumed that   of necessity, be subjective. Buyers are
              the watches are still waterproof and   advised that certificates are not available
              purchasers are advised to have the   unless otherwise stated.
              watches checked by a competent watch-
              maker before use.                ROLEX AND FRANCK MULLER
              Please note that gold of less than 18K   WATCHES - IMPORTATION
              does not qualify in all countries as `gold’   INTO THE USA
              and may be refused import. Trigo cannot   Prospective buyers are advised that
              accept liability if import is refused.  we cannot arrange delivery of Rolex
                                               and Franck Muller watches to the US
                                               due to import restrictions. For further
                                               information please contact our specialists
                                               in charge of the sale.
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