Page 14 - Mizrachi RZC Sefer Berachot 5784
P. 14

הבוט הנש

             המיתחו הביתכ


           Wishing all of our family
           and friends a wonderful,
            successful and healthy

                    new year.
         With much gratitude to all
           of the past Presidents of

           Mizrachi - RZC for their
          dedication and hard work.

          Wishing Mizrachi - RZC,

                  Bnei Akiva,
               Camp Moshava,
              and Moshava Ba’Ir
                   הבר החלצה

           for the upcoming year.

              Jill and Oren


                 and family

           Our family is honored to

         present these next 3 pages,
              an insight into the

         Mizrachi  legacy which has
              driven us since our
           organization’s founding.
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