Page 47 - Mizrachi RZC Sefer Berachot 5784
P. 47

Wishing all our friends a                              We wish all our friends

           Happy, Healthy, Prosperous                               a new year blessed with

                          New Year!                                  good health, happiness,

                                                                                and peace.

                 Shana Tova Tikatevu


                 Jan and Sherwin                                  Maxima & Burton Wax


                                                                      ונתולגמ ונתו       דפ    תנ  ש    אה   ת
                     L'shana Tova

                   to all our family,                                         Best wishes to

              neighbors and friends.                                   our family and friends
                                                                          in the US, in Israel
                                                                                and beyond.

                  Steve and Linda                                         !הקותמו הבוט הנש

                          Lavenda                                    Robert, Elyssa & Rena

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