Page 54 - Mizrachi RZC Sefer Berachot 5784
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The Chicago Mizrachi Pina Chama in Itamar

                               built in honor of
                           Chayalim Bodedim
                           (IDF Lone Soldiers)
                                  from Chicago

                was made possible by donations
                      from scores of donors,

                including a generous grant from
                               Kenny and Rana Cooper - the Judith Marks Trust,

                                  to whom we express our heartfelt Hakarat HaTov.

              We also thank the 5783 Pina Chama monthly maintenance cost sponsors

                                              in commemoration of the yahrtzeits of
                                      Arthur Kornblau, z”l, Aharon ben Avraham Tzvi
                        and Chazzan Seymour H. Zisook, z”l, Shalom Chaim ben Yishayahu HaKohen
                                     by Rabbi Kenneth and Shelley Zisook and family
                         in memory of Gale Rothner, a”h, Avigayil Gitel bat Pesach v'Chava Rivka
                                                          by her family
              Kislev          in memory of Dr. Oscar A. Novick, Asher Anshel ben Zalman, z"l
                               in memory of Shabsie ben Yaakov Elimelech v’Sara Rachel, z”l
                                                  =========  and  =========
                            in memory of Dr. Shlomo Moskovits, z"l, Shlomo ben Yitzchak v'Gila
                                      by his daughters, Tally Marcus and Orley Desser
              Sh'vat          in memory of Dr. Oscar A. Novick, Asher Anshel ben Zalman, z"l
              Adar               in memory of Chaim Leib, z”l, ben Yitzchak v’Rachel Rivka
                                   in memory of Evelyn Zisook, a”h, Chava Shifra bas Meir
              Nissan          and Clare Kornblau, a”h, Kayla Yacha bas Yehoshua Asher Zelig
                                     by Rabbi Kenneth and Shelley Zisook and family
                                                          in memory of
                                            Sarah bat Yaakov Dov Ber v’Henya, z”l
               Iyar                               =========  and  =========
                       in memory of Benjamin Gelbart z"l, Dov ben Avraham Leib, on his 50th Yartzeit
                                       by his children Freda Ganz and Dennis Gelbart
                                          in memory of Joseph and Leah Ashman, z”l
              Sivan      by their children Gary and Chavi Ashman, Bobbie and Jerry Nussbaum,
                                      Chami and Andy Gross, Avi and Wendy Ashman
                                          in memory of Harriet B. and Jacob V. Gold
                                              by their daughter Dr. Rachelle Gold
                                     in memory of  Shlomo Moshe and Frieda Goldberg
               Av                      Eliyahu Chaim and Esther Devorah Dachman
                                       by their children Dr. Avy and Yisraela Dachman
                                        in memory of Debbie Broder םהרבא תב הדלוג הרובד

                          and in commemoration of the yahrtzeits of Jack Broder  השמ ןב דוד בקעי Av 4,

                       Pauline Meyers בייל הדוהי תב עיסעפ Elul 14,  Henry Meyers בייל הדוהי ןב יבצ Elul 29
                                             by Faye and Hillel Meyers and family
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