Page 7 - Tu BiShvat Tzurba 5781
P. 7
ןנברמ אברוצ ר ו ור מ ומור ו · 267
r Kesef Mishneh, ibid. םש | הנשמ ףסכ .
Our teacher understood that they are obligated on או .הרותה ןמ םיבייחש ונ בר מ מ
a Torah level. Since even though the words “grain, וא ונ בר רבו ר צ ו ור ן בו
wine and oil,” are mentioned in the verse, our teacher ו מ ן או א א א וו
holds that this is not specific, and anything that is
similar to it is also included.
The Ra’avad disagrees and holds that the Torah limits the de’oraita obligation to the three types of
produce mentioned, but no others.
r Ra’avad, Hilchot Terumot 3:1 א:ג תומורת ׳לה | ד״בארה תגשה .
…The reason is that tithes of other fruits are rabbinic ו ןנבר ור רא מור נ מ ו
by nature other than grain and wine. ור ן מ
Whether the obligation for other produce is de’oraita or derabanan, Chazal derived the principles for
which types of produce are included in the obligation of teruma and ma’aser from the three mentioned
in the Torah. The Mishna in Ma’asrot explains that the general guidelines are that any item that is
known as food, is guarded by the owner as belonging to him, and grows from the ground is obligated
in terumot and ma’asrot.
h Mishna, Ma’asrot 1:1 א:א תורשעמ | הנשמ .
This is the general rule that was said about ma’asrot: ו ו ו רמ נו וא או ור מב ורמא
Anything that is food and is guarded and grows from ור מב ב רא ןמ
the ground is obligated in ma’asrot…
r Bartenura, ibid. םש | ארונטרב .
And is guarded – This excludes ownerless food, ו ורמ ב ו ן א ר ו מ – רמשנו
which has no owner to guard it. ו ר ו ן מ ו מ – ץראה ןמ וילודיגו
And grows from the ground – This excludes truffles
and mushrooms…
The rule that ownerless food is not subject to the obligation of terumot and ma’asrot is codified by the
Shulchan Aruch.
a Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De’ah זט:אלש ד״וי | ךורע ןחלוש .
331:16 ור מו מור מ רו ר
That which is ownerless is exempt from teruma and