Page 15 - Mizrachi RZC Sefer Berachot 5778 (2017-2018)
P. 15
An entire generation would die out in the desert and never achieve the aim and
destination of their original redemption – entering into Eretz Yisrael.
The fact that so many died in Egypt, the subsequent horrific sins of the Golden Calf
and the Spies that were committed by that generation, and the death of almost an
entire generation have never deterred us from celebrating Pesach. Indeed, since that
very day until today we continue to celebrate the incomplete, partial and imperfect
redemption in the most perfect and complete way on Leil Haseder and indeed
throughout the week of Pesach.
The Dayeinu song is sung at a critical point in the Haggada narrative. It is said
immediately after we complete the story of the exodus and just before we begin
Hallel. It is both our first reflection on the exodus and the foundation of the Hallel
that is about to follow. As such, it creates a crucial spiritual paradigm within which
to place our original exodus experience. It also forms a pivotal frame of reference to
understand future processes of redemption.
This is a pertinent insight for us today. The State of Israel is, for many people, still
distant from the ideal spiritual and moral state that it could be. There is no question
that there is still a long journey ahead and so much more to pray for and to be
achieved. At the same time, this should never cloud our ability to appreciate the
enormous accomplishments at every step of the way since the beginning of the
Zionist endeavor; the establishment of the State, the reunification of Jerusalem and
the ongoing miracle that is the modern State of Israel. In this spirit I have used the
format of Dayeinu to create a modern Deyeinu song in honor of Israel and in
appreciation of the incredible ongoing miracles.
IF Hashem had brought us back to the Land of Israel
BUT not given us a sovereign state
DAYEINU it would have been enough
IF Hashem had given us a sovereign state and allowed us a taste of freedom and dignity for
but a moment
BUT we would have lost the War of Independence
DAYEINU it would have been enough
IF Hashem had helped us be victorious in the War of Independence
BUT we would not have succeeded in building a viable country
DAYEINU it would have been enough